Saturday, 21 February 2015

About Me Essay

 Who I Was
     Normally girls at the young age of 5 played dress-up with their sisters. However 5 years old me had a little bit of a problem with playing those kinds of games considering I had two older brothers. Two older brothers that were not very find of the idea of playing with barbie dolls even when I've offered an action figure as a substitute. They much rather play video games and Lego, which I admit was pretty entertaining. Some of the games they played were just a little bit more complex and confusing than playing with a lifeless doll. Although I did manage to learn the different functions of the buttons on a Play Station faster than most 5 years old girls.
Who I Am
      Most teenagers usually strive to get their license the moment their 16th birthday rolls over but that's not really my case. Getting my license has yet to make its way on my priorities list which tend to vary on different things. I usually have my priorities straight and organized so it does not overwhelm me. It prevents me from horrible breakdowns and my ever growing coffee problem. What can I say tea just never satisfied me?
Who I Will Be
     The year just began and yet it feels like the year is already going by so fast. It feels as if my senior year is so close yet it's months away. By senior year hopefully I make up my mind in choosing a post secondary to go attend to. Maybe I can finally figure out a plan on what to do after I graduate and wouldn't be so indecisive and ignorant like I am now. What I am pretty certain about is the program I would like to get into which is Liberal Arts.

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